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November 1st Author Stalker - Sally Hepworth!

The gorgeous Sally Hepworth. Not only is she a master storyteller, and a whizz with two minute noodles, but she is also one hysterically funny lady!

I don't think I have laughed as hard during the past year, as I have when I've been scrolling through Sally Hepworth's Instagram feed. I already knew that she was a brilliant writer, after devouring her 2019 page turner The Mother-in-Law but her quick-witted sense of humour came as a total surprise, given the darker themes in her novels.

Sally Hepworth is one hysterically funny lady! Her Day in the Life Of Instagram episodes literally saw me with tears streaming down my cheeks, doubled over in laughter, as she chronicled her life in lockdown from the Melbourne home she shares with her husband Christian and their three children.

Anyone who follows Sally on Instagram has become intimately acquainted with the wonderful Hepworth clan, over the course of the year none of us saw coming. From their home-schooling adventures to trying to edit a novel with three kids at home, from feeding a family of five with a love of two minute noodles to dealing with one very active pre-schooler, all whilst dealing with the world's longest Covid lockdown, Sally Hepworth has shown us another side to her talents. And then of course...there was the #kettlegate phenomenon (to find out more about that, check out Sally's September 9th Instagram post!)

Her brilliant novel The Mother-in-Law has already been developed into an NBC thriller by the incredibly funny Amy Poehler, but I seriously believe that one day Amy will discover Sally's truly amazing comedic timing and perhaps we will see them together on the big screen in a movie comedy??

But until that time comes, I will have to get my giggle-fix from Instagram and my hit of suspense from staying up late reading her brand new release, The Good Sister I cannot wait to see what twists and turns she has in store for us this time.

So without further ado, I will hand you over to the lovely Sally.xx

Q1: What piece of advice do you wish you'd been given when working on your very first manuscript?

A: Don’t stop. Fly through the manuscript until it is finished, not stopping to perfect words, or search for details. Just get that story down as fast as you can.

Q2: If you could have written ANY book besides your own, what would it be?

A: Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox. It’s just such a goodie. And so short! All children’s book authors must take a leaf out of her book. All the money Mem has made from that book wouldn’t hurt either.

This is where the magic happens...not only the space Sally creates her fabulous novels...but also some of her funniest Instagram the kids try to break into her office while she is writing!

Q3: What is the first book that made you cry?

A: I … have no idea. I imagine it was a long time ago. And it was probably a perfectly happy book. Maybe even Where is the Green Sheep?

Q4: What is your favourite drink? Coffee, tea, wine or…

A: Wait, you’re making me CHOOSE? Why can’t I have all three? Plus gin, cocktails, Diet Coke … No, I’m sorry, I won’t do it. It’s 2020. Drinks are all I have left. (I would NEVER make you choose. We REALLY ought to be best friends Sally...with our shared penchant for alcohol and noodles...perhaps we are even kindred 'spirits'. Just need to figure a way to break you out of Victoria and get you up to Sydney so we can share a spirit-ual drinking experience! Shelley.xx)

Q5: What is the next book on your TBR (to be read) pile?

A: This Has Been Absolutely Lovely by Jessica Dettman. So far, it’s been absolutely lovely.

The ever-stylish Sally. Her Friday fashion tips on Instagram have been a huge hit and will have us all looking super glam in no time.

Q6: Choose one male & one female character from your novel. In a film adaptation, who would you love to see play them?

A: I’d love to see Fern played by Saoirse Ronan, and Wally played by Andrew Garfield.

Q7: Name one thing you couldn't live without?

A: My phone. And yes I’ve watched The Social Dilemma and I watched it while flicking through my phone.

'This is my little curly-haired afterthought, the baby we didn’t know we needed until she showed up and threw our life into utter chaos. I thank heaven (and curse Satan) for that chaos every day.'

Q8: What is your dream holiday destination?

A: My house. I hate holidays. All those strange people. Beaches! None of the things I need! Ugh.

Q9: If you had to choose a career besides writer, what would it be?

A: Heir to a great fortune. (Ha ha. Great choice. Shelley.xx)

Q1:. Do you view writing as a spiritual practice?

A: Not at all. For me, writing is about craft and discipline. It’s a job, albeit one I love. If I’m looking for spiritual fulfilment, I’ll do yoga or meditate. Or drink. Drinking is underrated as a spiritual practice in my humble opinion.

(Totally agree about drinking being a spirit-ual experience Sal...cheers! Shelley.xx)

'There's only been one time that Rose couldn't stop me from doing the wrong thing and that was a mistake that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Fern Castle works in her local library. She has dinner with her twin sister Rose three nights a week. And she avoids crowds, bright lights and loud noises as much as possible. Fern has a carefully structured life and disrupting her routine can be ... dangerous.

When Rose discovers that she cannot fall pregnant, Fern sees her chance to pay her sister back for everything Rose has done for her. Fern can have a baby for Rose. She just needs to find a father. Simple.

Fern's mission will shake the foundations of the life she has carefully built for herself and stir up dark secrets from the past, in this quirky, rich and shocking story of unexpected love.'


'Compelling story, plenty of twists and a satisfying ending. Sally is an exceptional observer of people and their relationships.' Graeme Simsion, author of The Rosie Result

'No one writes domestic suspense like Sally Hepworth. The Good Sister is the perfect blend of suspense and heart - a book that's sure to get everyone talking!' Kelly Rimmer, author of Truths I Never Told You

Thank you Sally for being my November 1st Author Stalker victim. xx

The Good Sister is available through all leading bookstores and online.

If you would like to find out more about Sally, you can find her here:

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Claudine Tinellis
Claudine Tinellis
Nov 03, 2020

Another fabulous interview, Shell! ❤️

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